Submission Guidelines

Sistem Pengiriman Online
Menerbitkan artikel penelitian Anda dalam jurnal Science Publishing Group itu sederhana dan efisien. Jurnal Science Publishing Group menggunakan sistem pengajuan online:
SciencePG berkomitmen untuk membawa penelitian terbaru ke komunitas akademis global dan membuat temuan penelitian para sarjana tersedia bagi sebanyak mungkin peneliti. Untuk membantu mencapai ini, peneliti di seluruh dunia memiliki kemungkinan untuk mempublikasikan artikel mereka di jurnal kami.
Template Naskah
Silakan  klik di sini  untuk mengunduh template untuk memformat naskah Anda.
Persiapan Naskah
Manuscript length should be 5 to 15 pages. Science Publishing Group can exceptionally accept shorter or longer manuscripts, provided that the scientific content is of high value. No additional page charges are required if a manuscript is substantially longer than 17 pages. All submitted manuscripts must include the following items:
Download Manuscript Template (Word)
Please download the template to format your manuscript.
    List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
    Main body
    Results and discussion
    Acknowledgments (optional)
Title - Make sure that the title is specific and concise. Titles should be presented in title case - all words except the first word should be in lower case letters.
List of authors, their affiliations, and email addresses - Provide the full names and affiliations of all the authors. Affiliations should include department, university or organization, city, and country. One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author, and their email address needs to be included.
Abstract - The abstract should briefly introduce the manuscript, not exceeding 400 words. No citations should be included in the abstract.
Keywords - At least 3 keywords or phrases should be included and must be separated by commas to distinguish them.
Introduction - The introduction section should provide a context for your manuscript. When preparing the introduction, please bear in mind that some readers will not be experts in your field of research.
Main body - the main body part should include the main proposed ideas, results, and discussions.
Conclusions - A conclusion is where you summarize the paper's findings and generalize their importance, discuss ambiguous data, and recommend further research. An effective conclusion should provide closure for a paper, leaving the reader feeling satisfied that the concepts have been fully explained.
Acknowledgments - You as the author are free to decide whether to include acknowledgments or not. Usually, the acknowledgments section includes the names of people who in some way contributed to the work, but do not fit the criteria to be listed as the authors. This section of your manuscript can also include information about funding sources.
References- Jurnal MensSana uses the numbered citation method for reference formatting, with sequential numbering in the text, and respective ordering in a list at the end of the paper.
The list should contain at least ten references and should be arranged in the order of citation in text. List only one reference per reference number. In the text, each reference number should be enclosed by square brackets. Citations of references may be given simply as "in Name(year)", or as "in reference Name (year)". Similarly, it is not necessary to mention the authors of a reference, unless the mention is relevant to the text.
Multiple citations within a single set of brackets should be separated by commas. 
Word Processing Formats
Sebelum pengiriman, pastikan artikel Anda dalam format Microsoft word 2000/2003 (doc) atau Microsoft word 2007/2010 (docx). Kedua bentuk artikel ini dapat diterima di semua jurnal Science Publishing Group untuk mengeset artikel ke gaya Jurnal MensSana.
Presentasi Publikasi
Setelah dipublikasikan di Jurnal MensSana, artikel Anda akan disajikan dalam bentuk PDF dan HTML. Kunjungi situs Jurnal MensSana untuk melihat Versi Online artikel Anda.
Alur Kerja Artikel Jurnal
Biasakan diri Anda dengan proses penerbitan artikel, maka Anda bisa mengetahui dengan pasti posisi artikel Anda dalam keseluruhan proses publikasi, seperti Artikel Review, Artikel Diterima dan Artikel Dipublikasikan. Periksa status artikel Anda di sini.